Maintenance of Blueberry Culture

Maintenance of Blueberry Culture

Fertilization of shrubs blueberry

The amount of fertilizers needed by a plant is determined depending on the texture of the soil and the nutrient reserves that the soil has. Blueberry needs nitrogen in the form of ammonium, phosphorus, potassium as well as micro-elements. We offer our fertilizer program adapted for each plantation.
Attention! No fresh organic fertilizers will be used. Do not use fertilizers hydrosoluble unsolved beforehand in water.

Trimming of shrubs blueberry

Blueberry is recommended to cut towards the end of winter and the beginning of spring, and dead or damaged branches must be removed when seized, regardless of season. Mowing cutting cutting blueberry is beneficial because it stimulates growth, formation of new lasters and improves the quality of fruits. Mowing is based on the age of the plant, variety and planting location.
In planting, thin branches will be trimmed and each sprout to only three vegetative buds above the ground, thus a better balance will be created between the root system and the plant’s crown.
In the first year after planting, all the fruit buds will be removed to allow the plant to develop its root system, thus becoming more vigorous.
In the second year after planting, part of the fruit buds will be removed, and on the vigorous branches will let some of the flowers produce fruit.